Ian Thistlethwaite, MD

Staff Psychiatrist
Medication Management

Education and training

  • West Virginia University Doctor of Medicine (MD)

Get to know

Ian Thistlethwaite, MD

Dr. Thistlethwaite is a board eligible adult psychiatrist and internal medicine physician. He completed his medical education and West Virginia University School of Medicine. Following completion of medical school Dr. Thistlethwaite completed residency training at WVU/Charleston Area Medical Center with a dual specialization in internal medicine and psychiatry. Dr. Thistlethwaite’s training included treatment of patients both in the inpatient and outpatient setting as well as management of patients with comorbid medical conditions. During his training Dr. Thistlethwaite became passionate about approaching patients in a holistic manner that addressed both their physical and mental health. He is especially passionate about ensuring that patients with mental health disorders are provided with appropriate general medical care as they are a marginalized and underserved group.

Dr. Thistlethwaite’s practice focuses on medication management for a wide array of conditions including depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, tic disorder/Tourette’s, and post traumatic stress disorder. Dr. Thistlethwaite incorporates supportive psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy interventions, and some psychodynamic therapy skills in his practice as well. Dr. Thistlethwaite believes in a collaborative and holistic approach to mental healthcare that incorporates the patient as well as all members of the healthcare team in every aspect of care.

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