What happens if I need a refill while my clinician is out of office?

If your clinician is out of the office when you need a refill, we can still help. If you've seen your clinician in the last 30 days, just submit a refill request by phone, email, on mobile through the Healow app, or on desktop through the patient portal. More details can be found here.  


If you haven't seen your clinician in the last 30 days, you'll need what's called a "coverage appointment" to get a refill. Exceptions may be made for the following circumstances if you have had an appointment in the last 90 days:

  • You were unable to get a refill due to a prescribing error
  • An insurance restriction requires a change in prescription (i.e., generic versus brand name or change in days of supply)
  • Your medications were lost or stolen

There are no exceptions if it has been 90 days or more since your last appointment.

What happens during a coverage appointment?

During a coverage appointment, a clinician can provide a bridge prescription to get you to your next appointment with your regular clinician. They can also provide support with treatment concerns like side effects or worsening symptoms.

A covering clinician can only provide refills for the medication and dosage you have been taking. They cannot make changes to your treatment plan.

These appointments typically last between 15 to 30 minutes, depending on your individual needs and the complexity of your care plan.

How long does a short-term prescription last?

A short-term prescription from a covering clinician is typically no more than a 30-day supply. Any refills or long-term prescriptions will be determined based on your specific situation and at the clinician’s discretion.

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