Why did I get a Termination Letter?

Your psychiatrist sends a termination letter if they don’t think it’s helpful to keep working together. This means that they’re unable to keep seeing you. There are a few reasons this might happen:

-Your treatment is complete: If you and your doctor agree that you’ve reached all your treatment goals, we couldn’t be happier. We send a letter in this case just to document your progress.

-Virtual care at Talkiatry might not be right for you. In some cases, patients should see someone in person or with special expertise. If we’re not able to see you, it’s not a judgment. Your doctor wants what’s right for you and what has the best chance of helping you feel better. If that’s not with us, it’s our job to help you find the right place to get help.

-Move to a different state where we don’t have doctors: For virtual visits, your doctor needs to be licensed in your state. Right now we don’t operate in every state. If you’re moving, let your psychiatrist know and we’ll work on finding you another psychiatrist.

-If you can’t or won’t follow your treatment plan: Seeing your psychiatrist on the schedule you both agreed to is essential to caring for you safely. If we’re unable to keep your schedule, we aren’t able to keep you in our care.

-Mistreatment of staff: If you’re aggressive, rude, or threatening, for the health and safety of our staff, we’ll have to stop working together. -Prescription misuse: If you’re not taking your medication as prescribed or are taking it more frequently than directed, we can’t safely continue treatment.

-Non-payment: In some cases, we’ll have to end our relationship if your account is too far past due. We want to do everything we can to keep you in our care. We offer payment plans for patients. You can learn more about them here.

-You decide you don’t want care at Talkiatry: We send a termination letter just to document that you’ve decided you don’t want to be a patient any longer. It’ll also have instructions for how to access your medical records.

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